The Warmth of Ambition is a space for those who crave a balance between thoughtful business strategies and meaningful personal growth. If you’re a coach, solopreneur, writer, or simply someone who believes that success isn’t just about what you do, but why you do it, you’ll feel right at home here. It’s for those who want to build a business that’s in sync with their values, and who love a blend of strategy, heart, and creativity. Join the community and get ready to receive a dose of inspiration, practical advice, and a reminder of the bigger picture—straight to your inbox.
Hello Reader This is a short and quick overview of my last weeks. I hope it inspires you a bit, entertains you a lot, and maybe distracts you from your own thoughts and daily life for the next five minutes. In this newsletter:
From homeMy children and my moodMy daughter is three months old today, and she is SO MUCH fun. We are very early out of the newborn phase, and her personality is showing all over! She is SO talkative and observant. It has truly been a lot of fun with her. Together with my son, who is turning 4 and starting to play soccer... I already have the feeling that time flies! Please don't grow too old too fast, my lovelies...Mama still wants to hold you in her arms! On another note, how are we feeling Reader? I don't know if it is the hormones, Cancer season, my son turning 4, my menstruation cycle, or whatever else... but I have been feeling very emotional the last few days. I feel that things are moving forward, and that's good! But it also implies a lot of goodbyes. And a little bit of fear of the unknown. Do you feel that too, Reader? Or is that just me? Lessons from last month:Practice makes perfect, even if it takes decades!It isn't a lesson from last month but more a pattern I have been observing and confirming. You know the adage: Practice makes perfect. Or, as Malcome Gladwell likes to say, "It takes 10,000 hours of intensive practice to achieve mastery of complex skills and materials". Well, it's all true ;-) (Duh - I know) For someone like me, who is very ambitious and has high expectations toward herself (and who also likes to start things over all the time), it seems that I have no particular talent, that I am never good enough, and that I will never be an expert at something. But you know what I have been observing lately? I've turned 40, and I have become good at things. 😱 I used to be a clumsy child (omg, those glass doors), but now I can play soccer and do hula hoops without having trained for them. And okay, I'm not SUPER good at them either, but still... I can, which wasn't the case a few decades back. Practice makes perfect - being acquainted with my body for 40 years has born fruits. Entering adulthood, I was extremely bad at boundaries, and my self-worth (Self-what?! How do you spell it?) was nonexistent. It took me a decade of work on myself to reach the stage where I talked about setting boundaries with my girlfriends. We would text each other whenever we had to set boundaries, asking for advice and supporting each other on that journey. Another ten+ years later, I can set boundaries on the fly, already knowing what I stand for, what I need to establish, and how. Isn't it A-MA-ZING? I can also track my self-worth evolution through my pricing mindset. From "It's not that essential, so why would anyone want to buy it and pay for it?" to "Well, that's my price. Based on the value that I bring you, the time that I save you, my hourly rate, and my self-worth," in three years... it's not bad! All this to say Reader: Things take time and practice. But eventually, we do progress. Take it from a bull (Mrs Taurus Sun and Taurus Moon here). What about you Reader? Where have you been progressing slowly but steadily over months, years, or decades? Feel welcome to reply; I'd be happy to read you. What I am working onMore on all that later, but...
And Reader I have a question:
Sharing is caringAscension Pathfinder AdventurelandI just joined this spiritual community today! Gosh, I miss connecting with people who share the same love and passion for the woo ;) If you miss it too, this might be for you. Go take a look! That's all, folks. Take care and much love! *MUAH* Bao |
The Warmth of Ambition is a space for those who crave a balance between thoughtful business strategies and meaningful personal growth. If you’re a coach, solopreneur, writer, or simply someone who believes that success isn’t just about what you do, but why you do it, you’ll feel right at home here. It’s for those who want to build a business that’s in sync with their values, and who love a blend of strategy, heart, and creativity. Join the community and get ready to receive a dose of inspiration, practical advice, and a reminder of the bigger picture—straight to your inbox.