
The Warmth of Ambition

Stories & Munsings v.3

Dearest reader,

Just like Groundhogs, this newsletter needed to hibernate for a couple of months. But if there is one thing you should know by now, it is that this author cannot keep quiet for long.

What did I miss, Reader?

This newsletter is going to be less about business and a bit more about my private life. Here we go:

  • From home - I gave birth to a tiny little girl
  • Lessons from last month - Healing the mother wound
  • What I am working on - The backend of my business
  • Sharing is caring - Brittany runs a marathon

From home: I gave birth to a tiny little girl!

Two months ago, I finally got to meet my daughter! Lovely Justine entered our lives, and it's been lots of joy, cuddling, and short nights since then!

I love that she is a completely different person. 💛

I love how strong she is, both character-wise and physically. 💪🏼

Lots of Aries energy, I'm telling you! And yes, like everyone in the family, she is gonna talk A LOT! 😆

I completely forgot how much newborns need you!

My son is almost 4, and although he does need attention, he doesn't need as much cuddling anymore. I don't need to carry him around wherever I go, nor does he need to sleep on me to feel good. But with a newborn, it's all going back to 1️⃣!

One thing is certain, though: we are much more relaxed parents for the second one than for the first.

And that's also great to see how much we have grown in that role.

Lessons from last month: healing the mother wound

Did I tell you about that one?

My mom has been abusive my whole life, setting the ground during childhood and finishing the job in adulthood. That's why we are estranged.

To her, everything about me is wrong—too emotional, too strong, and too rebellious. I have always been the black sheep, therefore, trouble for her—the one to disturb the peace, the one she needed to tame, the one to punish. Plus, I'm ugly and fat. I am angry and critical. And let's not forget—I have a heart full of hatred (her words).

According to her, I am a bad person at my core.

WTF, right?

Anyway, after a lifetime of feeling too much, being an embarrassment to her, and trying to heal all that, I had a daughter myself.

And gosh, is she strong! When she is unhappy, she lets you know! She flies off the mark.

In her first days, she had jaundice. Her little body had so much to handle: growing, digesting, getting used to being outside of my belly, and fighting jaundice all at once! As much as I felt sorry for her, I also was so inspired by how much a fighter she is.

Suddenly, it clicked!

Replace strong-willed with driven, and you have it!

A strong-willed child isn't a bad child. It isn't here only to make your life miserable, to question your authority, or to test your limits.

Having a strong-willed child is an inspiration for you to get out of your comfort zone and try things.

Because a strong-willed child will want things for themselves. They will be ambitious, driven, and willing to explore and try.

Hanging out with them will eventually rub off on you. It will inspire you, give you courage, and maybe also give you the strength to pursue dreams you forgot about.

A strong-willed child is an inspiration.

And this is what my mom has been missing out on.

I wasn't born to bother you, Mom.

I was born to give you some of my strength.

And that's what you would have got, had you had the maturity to truly see me.

*mic drop*


What I am working on: the backend of my business

It was Taurus season recently, and the sun was also in my 4th house. For those who don't know about astrology or don't care about it, it meant that there was a lot of homey energy around me.

And it reflected on my business.

Instead of working on my sales and marketing, I felt the urge to examine my client journey, especially the part after they booked me. I wanted things to work seamlessly. I needed it.

Especially now, with a newborn and those short nights, waiting to be in the right mood or energy to follow up on a client is not something I can afford. Because it might not happen that often.

So, I did need to have a system or tool in place that would allow me to send proposals, invoices, follow-up emails, or anything else without costing me a lot of energy or even requiring me to be fully present.

That's why I invested in a tool: Moxie.

If you are a freelancer, I absolutely recommend it. It is AMAZING! I'm in love with how smoothly it works.

Sharing is caring: Brittany runs a marathon

I rewatched this movie recently, and I sobbed. Because...

Isn't life like a marathon?

You train, you get hurt, and you do need to do the run on your own; nobody is going to run for you.

But hey, there are friends on the side who love you and cheer for you!!

Have you seen it? If not, will you see it?

That's all for today.

It was long, personal, and a bit different than usual.

But I hope I could bring a little something to your day.

Take care Reader.

PS: Could you tell that I have been watching Bridgerton too?

The Warmth of Ambition

The Warmth of Ambition is a space for those who crave a balance between thoughtful business strategies and meaningful personal growth. If you’re a coach, solopreneur, writer, or simply someone who believes that success isn’t just about what you do, but why you do it, you’ll feel right at home here. It’s for those who want to build a business that’s in sync with their values, and who love a blend of strategy, heart, and creativity. Join the community and get ready to receive a dose of inspiration, practical advice, and a reminder of the bigger picture—straight to your inbox.

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